Sonntag, Januar 14, 2007

Green Thumb Sunday

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Chico blüht

Chico is blossoming

Es ist mit tatsächlich gelungen Hippeastrum cybister 'Chico' wieder zur Blüte zu bringen. Im Herbst 2005 gekauft, blühte sie letztes Jahr am 17.1.2006 ihre erste Blüten, diesmal geht´s sogar etwas früher los, nämlich heute!
I can hardly believe it, Hippeastrum cybister 'Chico' opened its first blossom today- three days earlier than last year. I bought the bulb in autum 2005 and never thought I would succeed in cultivating this kind of bulb. All other Hippeastrums I had before died after the second or sometimes third year. Maybe it´s the intensive care 'Chico' got last summer , I fertilised the plant regularly when it started blossoming.

3 Kommentare:

  1. Anonym6:19 PM

    Interesting plant indeed, I have never seen any before. Yes, it sounds plausible that it's the fertilizing that's the cause of the success. Well done :-)

  2. It´s definitely a wonderful feeling when you succeed whith your plants and bulbs. I´ts beautiful!


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