Sonntag, Dezember 03, 2006

The Very Fisrt Time

Green Sunday
The Very First Time
Green Thumb Sunday

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Helleborus niger bud

Helleborus foetidus buds Cistus laurifolium seed buds
I am taking part the first time. It was a fine day today and plenty of sun with a cloudless sky and if I did not know better you could think spring is coming. Instead we celebrate here in Germany the 1st advent.
Metallic (looking) medlars

Crab apples

13 Kommentare:

  1. Anonym3:52 PM

    What lovely photographs!
    I planted a hellebore last spring that I'm looking forward to this spring! Right now we have snow.

  2. Glückwunsch zu Deinem ersten GTS! Blühen die Christrosen bei Dir etwa fast schon? Ich hätte auch erst über meine Hellborus posten wollen heute, hab mich dann aber doch für die Weihnachtsdeko draußen entschieden.
    Dir auch noch einen schönen 1. Advent!

  3. Anonym10:26 PM

    Welcome to the Green Thumb Sunday list. I've added your site to the blogroll.

    Your photos are lovely. I enjoyed all of them. I grow two types of Helleborus as well, but I've never managed to take photos of anything but the flowers so far.

    Great shots.

  4. For the first Sunday of Advent we have a dusting of snow.

  5. Anonym1:28 AM

    Oh, great pictures! I love the light in them.

    Seems like you're having a warm autumn and winter just as we have here in Sweden. The whole Europe seems to have had strange weather.

  6. Sehr schöne photos, Herbst ist schön.

  7. Sigrun, heißt denn GG auch Göttergatte bei dir? Deine Aufnahmen sind wunderbar, ich bekomme in diesem Jahr meine erste Helleborus Niger Blüte, er tut sich hier seeehr schwer!


  8. Beautiful pictures from your garden!

  9. Anonym3:10 AM

    Very nice pictures... i don't recognize anything, but that's the beauty of all this... finding new things to share!

  10. Thanks to all 'Green Thumbers' for visiting me on my blog!
    No,all my Helleborus are not blooming yet, the buds are all in waitung position. But if the mild temperatures will stay it might happen, would be the first time here since decades a 'Christrose` as it is called in German language will bloom for Christ´s birtday.

  11. Anonym10:55 AM

    Sehr schöne Bildern!!!
    Grüsse aus Schweden

  12. Breathtaking!! Lovely photos.

    The book you were asking about is Last Child in the Woods, Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder, by Richard Louv; 2006, Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill; ISBN-13:978-1-56512-522-3; ISBN-10:1-56512-522-3(PB).

  13. Thank you, Kati. As I found out I can order it by amazon, as well as the other book you mentioned in your blog.


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